Course curriculum

    1. Introducción parte 1

    1. Modulo 1 Desbloquea

    2. 5 heridas del alma

    3. Meditación para honrar tu dinámica de nacimiento

    4. Ejercicio : sanando tu niño interior

    1. Introducción al Modulo 2

    2. Visión Personal

    3. Visión Profesional

    4. Define tu primera versión imperfecta del propósito de vida

    5. Zona de Servicio: El de tema de tu servicio /marca/comunidad y comprobaciones

    6. El cliente ideal: Tema de tu primer curso de conexión y de solución

    7. Tu Idea de Negocio

    1. ¿Que es un metodo?. Ejemplos

    2. Definiendo la esencia de tu método: Creencias y Rituales. Manifiesto de Servicio

    3. Definiendo la estructura de tu metodo. Tu forma de dar la solución

    4. Definiendo la pre-esencia de tu método - Introducción

    5. Estableciendo la pre-esencia de tu método - Marca

    6. Estableciendo la pre-esencia de tu método - Perfil Ser- Hacer - Conocer

    7. Estableciendo la pre-esencia de tu método - Comunidades

    1. Clase en vivo parte 1

    2. Clase en Vivo Parte 2

    3. Formato para diseño instruccional del Programa Online

    4. Guia para crear productos gratuitos y webinarios

About this course

  • $147.00
  • 23 lecciones
  • 7 horas de contenido de video

Bonus material

Include additional content to your course curriculum to provide further value to your students.

  • Bonus material

    Explain the value your additional content will bring to a student’s overall learning experience. Use this opportunity to sell potential students on the extra benefits your bonus material provides.

  • Bonus material

    Explain the value your additional content will bring to a student’s overall learning experience. Use this opportunity to sell potential students on the extra benefits your bonus material provides.

  • Bonus material

    Explain the value your additional content will bring to a student’s overall learning experience. Use this opportunity to sell potential students on the extra benefits your bonus material provides.

Countdown timer

Use this section to create urgency for your offer.

  • 00 Dias
  • 00 Horas
  • 00 Minutos
  • 00 Segundos

Social proof: testimonials

Testimonial title

by Author's name

Share testimonials about you, your course, or your content. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your network to get some glowing words about the work you’ve done. Most potential students will look to the opinions of others when making purchase decisions online.


  • Include questions a potential student may have before purchase.

    Address common questions ahead of time to save yourself an email.

  • Include questions a potential student may have before purchase.

    Address common questions ahead of time to save yourself an email.

  • Include questions a potential student may have before purchase.

    Address common questions ahead of time to save yourself an email.

Icons & text

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?